Apply to the Swedish National Ballet School
A Unique Secondary SchoolApply no later than February 27th, 2023!
Apply to the Swedish National Ballet School – A Unique Secondary School
The Swedish National Ballet School in Gothenburg is a municipal compulsory school with a focus on dance.
Regardless of which municipality you live in, you can attend the Swedish National Ballet School.
You can apply for years 4 and 5 as well as for the available places in years 6-9. You do not need to have any dancing experience before you start in year 4. With us, you get to learn dance from the ground up. The school is free of charge.
Here you get the opportunity to develop in classical and modern contemporary dance while you study the compulsory school’s academic subjects. Already in year 4, students from the entire region travel every day to our unique secondary school in Gothenburg.
If you have questions about admission, contact the National Agency for Education
Apply no later than February 27th, 2023!
The National Agency for Education handles all applications.
To be admitted to the secondary dance education in years 4-9, an approved audition in dance is required before a jury and an approved health examination. All applicants must do the audition tests in dance. It takes place as dance lessons, led by educators in front of a jury. The jury assesses the applicants according to the National Agency for Education’s assessment criteria for audtion tests in dance:
› Dance technique
› Artistry
› Musicality / Sense of rhythm
› Focus on tasks
› Physical conditions
› Overall assessment
Health examination
All applicants who pass the final audition test undergo a health examination. The purpose is to ensure that the applicant can complete the training without obvious risk of injury. The health examination contains both an orthopedic and a general medical assessment.
The Admission Process
The Dancers Education Council is responsible for admissions. The council are also the ones who appoint the juries who assess the audition tests. Any decisions on admission cannot be appealed.
Here’s how the admission process works:
- The applicant’s guardian submits an application via the National Agency for Education’s website.
- Applicants are called to audition tests in the municipality where the school is located (Gothenburg or Stockholm).
- The audition tests are carried out at each location.
- Applicants who have passed the audition tests complete the health examination.
- The Council for Dancer Education will then decide on admission. The guardians then receive a letter with information on acceptance. Please note that applicants who have been accepted must respond to the admission letter no later than the date specified in the letter.
- If there is room for any reserves, the relevant applicants will be contacted.
- After admission, the information about those admitted is sent to the respective school. Thereafter, it is the school and its principal who are responsible for the future contact with students and guardians, not the National Agency for Education
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to send us an email:
If you wish to be contacted by phone, please write down your telephone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible. During the auditions, staff from the school and parents of current students are on site to answer any questions.
We hope to see you then!
Articles about the School
In Swedish
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